Sunday, April 22, 2012

Wireless Charger

Problem: Plugging in Cell Phone Chargers is annoying.

Solution: A charger that allows you to place your phone within the vicinity of the outlet and it begins to charge.

New-Product Strategy: The wireless charger is a charger that allows the user to charge his/her phone without plugging it into a wall.  Everyone knows that plugging their phones in gets annoying and tedious.  The main purpose of this product is to make the users life easier.  Other companies have come out with a "wireless charging mat" that will allow the user to place the device on to the mat and then it will begin to charge.  But this mat has to be plugged in and there is still a wire connected to it.  With the true wireless charger, all you will have to do it plug the charging dock into the wall and then place your phone within 5 feet of that outlet.  Extremely simple. 

Idea Generation:  I have made a bet with my best friend from home three years ago that this kind of charger will be invented before we die. 

Idea Screening: Since mostly everyone has a cell phone, I believe that this product would be very popular.

Business Analysis: Everyone would want one, they would be extremely cheap to make and since everyone would want them and the price is so cheap, as producers, we can set the sales price as high as we want.

Development: This is one of the most simple designs.  All it is, is a 2"X2" box that plugs into the wall.  Takes up minimal space and allows for extreme ease for consumer.

Test Marketing:  I would give my product to tech nerd reviewers and have them write about them on their blogs.  I would then send them to electronic magazines, have them review them and maybe they will put it in their magazine.  Then if more people are interested in it I will see if walmart, k-mart, best buy, etc. would want to sell it.

Commercialization:  Advertise on tv, magazines, and radio.

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